Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Finally Glynnis' Post

Happy August Everyone From the Jersey Shore! Wow i am such a slacker...sorry everyone but i have been majorly busy and honestly didn't know if i would ever be able to figure this thing out. Hopefully after i click publish post this works.
I have been working five days a week at the Sundae Times ( an ice cream parlor a block from the beach in Spring Lake, my fifth year in a row- i swear i will take over that place someday) but mostly at The Breakers- also in Spring Lake. Its a hotel right on the beach that does a lot of weddings, conferences, and private parties. I work there as a hostess for breakfast/lunch three days a week and I have done a couple of weddings as a server. I like those a lot. My specialty is walking around with the the Hor Dorves (cant spell that word) while everyone asks what everything is and breaking champagne glasses after the toast (my clumsiness seems to have gotten the best of me at this job, but i usually get the people at the nice tables and they then proceed to HAND me the glasses.)
In July, I helped to set up for a day camp that the Visiting Nurse Association of Central Jersey sets up for children who have lost love ones during the past year, although I was unable to work the event this year, I was told that I most definitely could next year.
What other fun stuff have I been up to ? Hmm lets see. Well in the beginning of June I babysat a lot for my five year old triplet cousins,( TONS OF FUN I ASSURE YOU) and then at the end I went to see the Fray at PNC Arts Center with Beth and a bunch of our other friends (thanks for the lack of mention of Glynnis in your post Beth jk) In July I went to NYC twice in one week when I went to see Hairspray with Jay and then Legally Blonde with Beth and a couple of our friends. In August I have some things planned already, like a Yankees game vs. the Orioles and a trip to Long Island to visit my friend Mel from school, but I am starting to really get excited for Sept. I will be at school early though, like the 27th cause I am working at the FAC and need to go to Orientation for that, so if anyone else has to go to school early, let me know!
Sorry again for the lack of posts, Cant wait to see you all!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Hey guys,
I did some experimenting and found out we can post pictures with our posts, hopefully this works out as planned. In the create a post page, there is an icon that looks like a picture, and if you click that it walks you through how to add pictures- so if you want to, add something from volunteering, or from something you did this summer that you want to share.
I am actually on vacation visiting my grandparents, aunt, uncle, and cousins on Orcas Island, WA, which is in Puget Sound. The picture is from the back porch of my aunt and uncle's house- imagine walking out and seeing that every day... It's absolutely amazing here and I've spent the last few days crabbing, fishing, catching shrimp, spotting seals, orca, bald eagles and doing plenty of other amazing things. It's really not hard to think of the Jesuit idea of "seeing God in all things" out here. I recommend it as a travel destination to anyone and everyone.
Other than this little vacation, I've been working away most of my summer as a full time bank teller- I have not been robbed yet, though I did think I lost $2,000 for a day- and spending the rest of my precious little time with friends and family, or sleeping. I've seen Kyle and Tommy (and Ginny once) but I miss the rest of my Loyola friends and cannot wait to get back. I'll be moving in on the 21st to train for my Service Coordinator position.
As Tommy already wrote, the McQuaid triage is planning on volunteering together soon, though we have not done anything yet. I look forward to it when we do it.
I hope everyone is having a great summer and I miss you all.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Happy Fourth of July Everybody

Hey guys,

Sorry I've been lacking in posts, I know everybody has missed me. I haven't been really doing too much this summer, I've been working 40 hours a week at Oak Hill Country Club (Johnny "Tiger" Mesko should know that being an avid golf fan). I enjoy it, and I'm making good money so I can't complain. I have also been hanging out with friends and family catching up and making up for time I was away. I just got back from Loyola, having gone to summer orientation for the new freshman class. It was a great time, I got to see Megan, Meggie, and even FJ. I really forgot how much I miss everything about Loyola and it has made me pretty anxious for the fall. I managed to grab a few recruits and secure a table at the fall club fair. All in all, a great experience.

As for service, I have been actively been pursuing a position as assistant (or hopefully head) coach of my youth group's senior high school softball team. Also, I have been looking into volunteering at Daystar, which is a house for children who have special needs. It is run by a group of nuns and relies a lot on volunteering from kids and adults to keep it going. Both my mom and sister have worked there in the past (and currently) and say that they need help with various gardening and outdoor work. I am hoping to do something with Matt and Kyle, actually Kyle was over tonight and the three of us have talked about doing something together.

I am really glad to hear that everything else is going well for everyone (sorry about the cavs, Mary), your volunteer spots seem like they are really awesome. Can't wait to see you guys soon, and feel free to im or call me, I'll leave my info at the end of the post.


Summer at the Shore

Hey Everyone!!

I can't believe it is already the 4th of July, where has the Summer gone? I have been extremely busy at work. I work at Campbell's Pharmacy as a clerk/tech. *Basically I fill prescriptions, answer phones, do billing, and run the register, 30 hours a week* This is my fifth summer there & I love it. On Sunday, my mom and I *yes, my mom works there too! I got her the job, lol* are throwing a baby shower for two of the pharmacists, twin boys & another boy.

I have gone a few times to the Harborage, a nursing home attached to Palisades Medical Hospital in Edge Water, NJ. My two aunts work there, so I go to work with them, and help wherever I am needed.

I have been to the beach a few times, but not as much as I would like. Last week, I went to The Fray concert, which has been the highlight of my summer. They did a cover of "Hips Don't Lie," which was amazing. My family comes down from up north nearly every weekend. They love playing in the pool, and hanging out. The youngest are 2 & 5, and are adorable!

Most recently I have been going to a lot of doctors and undergoing a lot of testing. I am having surgery in the beginning of August to remove a lump on my neck. My doctors are very hopeful that all will end well, but I still ask for your prayers : )

I found out that I was re-hired as a DA in Butler and will be moving in on August 30th. I can't wait to see all of you again. I miss our weekly meetings and can't wait to go camping!!


Friday, June 8, 2007

Hey Everyone,

Summer is going well down at Loyola... I think Celeste, Anter and I are holding down the fort ok... As usual Father Jack has been impossible to find (especially considering he is in California literally every 5 minutes).

Mostly I've just been moving into my new apartment (which now has furniture! Exciting!), working on my research and doing some babysitting and Care-a-van and such.

I did get a chance to go to the shelter and to the Ark, which is one of the day cares that a lot of the kids from the shelter go to. When I showed up at the Ark both Omar and Pops were there (some of you may remember Pops), Omar was very surprised and then kindly told me I was not supposed to be at the Ark I was supposed to be at the shelter, so I told him I was going to play at the Ark that day and asked if that were ok with him, he proceeded to hand me a book and say "ok you can read me this book".... needless to say we had a great time. I'm sure by now Kyle is laughing hysterically at picturing this interaction between Omar and I. People at the shelter are doing well... a few have moved on, but most said that they miss us terribley. August and Robert are gone as well as Christopher, but Deja, Omar, Sean, London, Nic, etc are still around and getting ready for camps and things like that. At the shelter Omar proceeded to tell everyone we saw I had been at his school and we had read books together, it was very amusing.

For those of you that go to Care-a-van (Megan, Meggie, Alicia) I have seen both Tino and Mike in the past few weeks and they are both doing well with their jobs and apartments which is always good to hear!

My last update is that my Relay at home was a great success raising almost $200,000 and a ton of fun!

I hope everyone's summer is going well, if you happen to visit Loyola at all this summer let me know cause I have a pool and a spare bedroom! :)

Talk to you all soon,

Monday, June 4, 2007

Hey All,

I have just returned from a wedding in Avalon NJ and I'm starting to get in to the groove of the summer. I (like Pat) was in England but I was Oxford visiting a friends from home. I am going to be volunteering next week with my sister in Newark. Hope everyone is doing well. God Bless AMDG

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Hello from CLEVELAND!!

hey everyone!
First of all I would just like to clarify some things that have been said on this blog:
1. There is no way I went to London with mr. pat tobler, he begged me but I refused.
2. Cleveland is AMAZING!! I dont know if any of you realize but CLeveland is going to the NBA finals so Everyone is going crazy around here!! I've basically just been bearing witness to Lebron James and Daniel Gibson (my personal fave!) here is awesome, so you can stop sipping on that hatorade (pat)!

Anywho, life around here has been somewhat busy. I was in Chicago one weekend to visit some friends, and then in Boston the next weekend for my brother's graduation. Then last weekend my cousin also got married, which was sooo much fun! And this weekend I've just been Rising up and watching the cavs game and such!! I have been doing a little bit of work so far babysitting, doing some park security at our city pool and doing some math tutoring. I will start teaching tennis lessons next week, so that will be exciting. As for service I was supposed to start today, doing Challenger Baseball, which is this league that is for children with mental and physical disabilities, so I will be matched up with a player and we will play for the next several weeks. The game today was rained out sadly, but I'm really excited to get started with it.

Its been soo good hearing from all you peoples who have posted so far, and I can't wait to hear from the rest of you! Keep having fun summers!!!

love, mary!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

hey guys! so i had some trouble with this thing...mostly because i forgot like 4 passwords i made. oh well. i wrote it down now so we're clear. so summer has been busy already. i was in florida for a week just hanging out enjoying the weather and then i just got back from colorado. my cousin got married on the side of a mountain out was amazing. we went white water rafting and hiking and enjoyed the mountains. it was a great trip! im not working until june, which is awesome, so im just hanging out and relaxing :)

I did get a chance to volunteer a few saturdays ago. my dad is the jersey chair of the arthritis foundation and they do a walk on the Cooper River (right near my high school) every year. I volunteered there, doing anything from setting up, registration, face painting and walking four miles with some kids who have juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. I had no idea how much arthritis affected young people, especially children. These kids were all less than 9 years old and already had survivor stories to tell. They were pretty incredible and i loved spending a few hours with them. Later this summer I'm looking to work on Habitat around here through a program I know. Anyone in the Philly area want to join in let me know!

Hope you guys are all having great summers! Keep in touch

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

wow this blog has really taken off. i have to check several times a day to keep up with all of the new posts. it is quite confusing to navigate around thought. oh well. Anyway, i have just returned from london, as Fr. John mentioned in his latest post. I don't know what his deal is suggesting that there is something going on between me and mary carney. That has no basis in fact, she just wishes that it did. Needless to say, london was awesome. I was supposed to meet up with our buddy Colin at this club called The ZOO. But i decided to go into the bar next door because it didn't have a cover, which turned out to be a gay bar. It was called "Fudge". Apparently i missed that on the way in. So, i missed out on seeing Colin, but i did manage to see Harry Potter naked in "Equus". I wasn't impressed. Not really a big deal...if you catch my drift. Hermione was in not the play :(.

I hope everyone is having a blast so far this summer. If anyone wants to invite me to their shore house, that'd be great. If anyone invites me to cleveland i'm not coming cause cleveland sucks. If anyone wants to chill this summer, we certainly can...assuming i have nothing better to do. Alright i gotta peace. More posts to come shortly.

Mazel Tov,
Pat Tobler


Hello everyone!

Sorry it took me so long to log onto the blog, there were some technical difficulties involved. basically that means that i had to use the computer. and that usually doesn't end up well.

anyways, i hope everyone's summer is going well, i know i've been busy but it's been good so far. I had a wedding to go to as well but other than that just a lot of work. I've actually not had time to do any volunteer work yet, but i just talked to someone and i'm going to be going to a soup kitchen to serve lunches in Bridgeport on Mondays. I've actually never been to the site, but i'm looking forward to going. Bridgeport actually reminds me a lot of Baltimore. So we'll see :)

I'm not exactly sure how to use this blog either, hopefully i'm doing this right, but i can't wait to hear from everyone, i miss you all!

love, alicia

Thursday, May 24, 2007

May 24, 2007

Hey guys,

I have no idea how to navigate this operation. I just returned this week from Los Angeles, where I spent the BEST week with friends from LMU -- and celebrating a wedding (I was the priest) -- and just enjoying everything I loved out there. I am heading to the beach with family for Memorial Day weekend today, and that should be fun. I have been working on the sophomore retreat and a bunch of weddings I have this summer -- and one baptism.

I miss seeing you guys all the time -- and the campus is empty. Even Frs. Ruff and the Chuckster, SJ are away giving a retreat. How is everyone's summer going? I know Pat is in London (tho I am not sure London is ready for Tobler!?!). Did Mary Carney go with him?

Let me hear from you guys and all my Magis guys were very interested in Ad Maiorem and asked me lots of questions. God bless. love, FJ

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Ad Maiorem

Hey guys, hope everyone's summer is going well. Here's our blog. Once you've signed up and become an author you can post what you want. I think we said that we wanted people to at least check this once a week to see what's going on with other people and add comments.

Thanks a lot,